Oil & Gas Law
Experience that Matters
Areas of focus:
Energy Law- Commercial Transactions
- Licensee Liability Rating Issues
- Royalty Agreements
- Energy Lending
- Structured Finance / Asset Level Investments
- CAPL Joint Ventures
- Farm-in and Farm-outs
Energy Litigation
- Accident Related Death or Injury
- Environmental Claims
- Landowner Disputes
- Working Interest Partner Disputes
- Regulatory Hearings
Oil & Gas Law
Alberta is known first an foremost an energy economy. The oil and gas industry is still a multi-billion dollar a year industry even after a prolonged downturn in energy pricing. At Baker Law Firm our founding lawyer was an officer and director of several upstream oil and gas companies and worked directly in the Alberta energy industry for 14 years.
Our knowledge of the industry is hard to match. Baker Law Firm has both the legal knowledge and practical understanding of the industry, its people and its unique customs that is unlikely to be replicated at any other law firm. With direct knowledge of the challenges faced by oil and gas producers, service companies, financiers and land-owners Baker Law Firm is a leading choice for Energy Law advice.
We can advise on licensee liability rating issues, energy loans and asset sale transactions, CAPL joint ventures, and numerous other services which relate to the production of oil and gas both in Alberta and elsewhere. Baker Law Firm can assist your business navigate through the complex energy market. Put our energy knowledge and experience to work for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mineral title can be complicated by sales, farm-ins, corporate take overs and insolvencies which have all occurred since the original lease was taken. Baker Law Firm can assist with title review and in resolving title disputes. Contact our office to arrange a consultation.
Not unlike trades working on a residential property, many service companies working on Alberta oil and gas wells have lien rights. In order to preserve those rights, the service company must act properly and quickly. If you believe your company has a lien and need assistance asserting it contact Baker Law Firm without delay.
This year’s Supreme Court decision in Orphan Well Association v Grant Thornton Ltd., 2019 SCC 5 better known as “the Redwater decision” has wide ranging effects across the energy industry. Baker Law Firm’s combined knowledge of energy law and insolvency law make us an excellent resource for information and advice on matter dealing with abandonment liability, asset transfers and dealings with receivers who are managing assets for sale. If you have any concerns which touch on the LLR program or how asset transfers have changed since the Redwater decision contact Baker Law Firm for a consultation.
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